SIAC allows appeals against deportation to Algeria

Press release British courts have today upheld the rule of law. For ten years the Algerian Government has refused any independent international monitoring of its secret prisons, in a climate where many other countries have accepted this as a necessity for a modern democracy.  Algeria’s refusal to agree to such monitoring, despite the best efforts…

Supreme Court to hear Residence Test challenge

The Supreme Court has expedited the case to be heard on 18 and 19 April 2016.…

Court of Appeal rules restrictions on access to legal aid for domestic violence survivors are unlawful

In a case brought by the Public Law Project on behalf of the charity Rights of Women, the Court of Appeal has ruled that evidence requirements which have been operating to prevent survivors of domestic abuse from getting legal aid for family cases are unlawful.…

PLP‘s response to the Court of Appeal judgement in ‘residence test’ case

Yesterday, the Court of Appeal found that the Government’s introduction of the controversial ‘residents test’ for legal aid, was lawful. This overturns a Divisional Court judgement of July 2014, which found the introduction of the test to be discriminatory and unlawful. Both courts were presided over by a panel of three judges and have considered very different aspects of the case, and come to very different conclusions. PLP is looking at options, including seeking an urgent consideration of the case by the Supreme Court of the United Kingdom before the test is implemented, and will update the community in due course.…

PLP is recruiting: Practice Manager and Board of Trustees

PLP has exciting new opportunities! We are now seeking an organised Practice Manager to oversee the day-to-day operations, finance, HR, recruitment, risk and compliance in addition to playing a key role in the strategic development of the charity.
PLP is also recruiting for its volunteer Board of Trustees.
The deadline for both is 1 November.

PLP Shortlisted for the Liberty Human Rights Lawyer of the Year Award

The Public Law Project has been shortlisted for the Liberty Human Rights Lawyer of the Year Award.…

Press Release: High Court finds Exceptional Case Funding scheme unlawful

The High Court has today handed down judgment in a test case which will have profound implications for access to justice. In a further judgment in the case of “I.S.” Mr Justice Collins has found that the Legal Aid Agency’s current operation of the Exceptional Case Funding (“ECF”) scheme is unlawful.…

Press Release: PLP receives ‘Outstanding Achievement’ award at LALY’S.

At the thirteenth Legal Aid Lawyer of the Year awards, held last night at Plaisterer’s Hall in Central London, the Public Law Project (PLP) was awarded the judges’ special ‘Outstanding Achievement’ award.…

Press Release: High Court to hear systemic challenge to the operation of the Government’s legal aid Exceptional Case Funding scheme

On Wednesday 10 June the High Court will begin hearing a judicial review with far reaching implications for the ongoing implementation of the Government’s legal aid cuts. PLP has been instructed by the Official Solicitor to the Senior Courts, on behalf of a vulnerable individual, ‘IS’, in a ‘systemic challenge’ to the operation of the Exceptional Case Funding (ECF) scheme, established by the Legal Aid, Sentencing and Punishment of Offenders Act (LASPOA) 2012.…

Press release: Challenge to Legal Aid Regulations succeeds

In a judgment handed down this morning, a Divisional Court has ruled that controversial judicial review regulations that came into force in April 2014 are unlawful.…

Press release: PLP research indicates insufficient evidence that legal aid Mandatory Telephone Gateway meets Parliamentary and policy intentions

The Public Law Project (PLP) has today published a research paper on the mandatory Civil Legal Advice telephone advice line (the ‘Gateway’).…

Divisional Court rejects challenge brought by Rights of Women

We have today been unsuccessful in a challenge brought by Rights of Women to the lawfulness of the evidence criteria for legal aid, specifically legal aid applications for family proceedings involving victims of domestic violence.…