All of PLP’s current work themes, activities and projects fall under one or more of our four strategic priorities identified for the five-year period 2017 to 2022.  These priorities are:

  • Priority 1: Promoting and safeguarding the Rule of Law during a period of significant constitutional change.
  • Priority 2: Working to ensure fair and proper systems for the exercise of public powers and duties, whether by state or private actors.
  • Priority 3: Improving practical access to public law remedies, including by seeking to ensure that justice reform is evidence led and by increasing knowledge of public law.

Our fourth priority is an internal priority:

  • Priority 4: Continuing to strengthen infrastructure and capacity in order to improve our effectiveness as an organisation.


Focus Areas: Detailed aims and activities for 2018-2020


As our priority areas are wide in scope, we have drilled down further to identify five interrelated areas of focus, in respect of which we have agreed specific goals. The achievement of these goals will represent significant progress towards achievement of the overall impact we want to have. These focus areas are: