PLP provides access to an array of resources for advisers, lawyers, academics, policy professionals, journalists and anyone with an interest in public law. We have divided the resource library into the categories below. The library can be searched by category, author, tags, or by searching the body text of the documents. PLP’s most popular resources are our guides to public law.

These are produced to help advisers, lawyers and members of the public understand and navigate public law processes. We have tried to make them as accessible as possible. Search our guides.
We aim to publish papers and Power Points presented at our conference and training events on a very wide range of public law topics, and some audio files of major addresses. Search conference papers.
You can find a listing of all the available audio recordings here. Search Audio files.
Here you will find all our published research. Search research. You can also read about our current research topics and strategy.
These are responses to government consultations and briefings prepared in response to changes in the law or to inform current debates on policy. Search briefings.
These are impact reports on PLP’s work. Search reports and reviews.