PLP Impact Report and Five Year Review 2012 – 2016

The report uses illustrative case studies and data analysis to summarise and explain:

  • PLP’s Legal Aid Support Project (LASP)
  • Casework in welfare benefits , community care , and the Special Immigration and Appeal’s Commission (SIAC)
  • PLP’s Justice First Fellows
  • Research and policy work
  • Training, conferences, resources, guides and publications

The report finishes with a summary of our recent strategic review and its results; a re-articulation of our vision , mission and priorities more suited to current challenges.

PLP Review and Impact Report 2006 – 2011

From 2006 – 2001, a look at PLP’s:

  • Casework and case studies
  • Policy work and interventions
  • Conferences and training
  • Research




The Public Law Project 1990 – 2005

This report looks at PLP’s first 15 years:

  • Early steps: identifying the problems, and moving on: tackling the problems
  • Casework
  • Policy and research
  • Training and conferences
  • Publications