The introduction of online courts will lead to a transformation of the way millions of people interact with the justice system in the UK. The government has already begun to introduce digital procedures in Tribunals, but the full details of the changes remain to be seen.  PLP have already published a research report, The Digitalisation of Tribunals: What we know and what we need to know.

Given the vast impact digitalisation will have PLP are focusing on digitalisation to equip ourselves to contribute to the debate and to monitor the court’s operation.  To this end we will:

  • Generating a detailed evidence-base on how online courts and tribunals procedures are working in practice.
  • Generate a detailed evidence-base on how assisted digital procedures are working in practice.
  • Train representatives and advisers on online tribunals.
  • Produce an internal report which defines areas of success, good practice and/or of concern.

To ensure the system is operating fairly and lawfully we will:

  • Establish a reporting network of advisors who will be engaging with the online tribunal/court process and assisted digital processes.
  • Undertake research and evidence gathering to understand what is happening in those processes after online and assisted digital processes are in place, i.e. monitoring implementation.
  • Hold a roundtables and potentially a conference on online tribunals, to share information and publicise issues arising.