Improving access to judicial review is a core focus for PLP.  Judicial review is a fundamental part of the public law system in the UK and an essential element in our constitutional settlement, as explained in our ‘What is public law?’ page.    Ensuring that the routes by which state decisions can be challenged are practically accessible is essential.  This is especially true when considering access to justice for poor and marginalised groups as they are more likely to be affected by the decisions of public bodies.

In order to increase access to justice in this area we undertake a wide range of interrelated activities:

We bring strategic cases intended to increase access to the court. You can read about some of these cases in our case studies section,  and current projects and activity sections, or follow these links to press releases and judgments concerning PLP’s major cases such as Rights of Women, Cart, Ben Hoare Bell, PLP (also known as the residence test case), and intervention in cases concerning costs and judicial review, such as Bhata and Cornerhouse.

We work with other lawyers, campaigners and civil society groups to help them identify and pursue public law issues affecting their beneficiary groups.  We provide training, publish guides and provide second tier advice.  One particular example is our strategic partnership with the Lankelly Chase Foundation, using public law to help those experiencing severe and multiple disadvantage. We help individuals directly by publishing accessible guides and working to improve public legal education.

We make targeted and effective contributions to the policy debate, responding to relevant consultations preparing briefings for Parliamentarians and guides to assist the judiciary, e.g. our guide to the Criminal Justice and Courts Act.

We undertake and publish high quality empirical research. Most recently we have started to explore financial barriers to judicial review.

Follow the links below for further information and insight.