The issue of how and when legal intervention is best used in system change is one that has received little attention in the UK previously. Yet assumptions are made by those who use the law as to how effective legal tools are in successfully challenging unfair systems. Here we are publishing a literature review on the use and impact of litigation and legal challenges, and hope that it will help to inform and enhance wider discussion on this issue.

This review is authored by Dr Lisa Vanhala and Jacqueline Kinghan, from University College London (UCL), who are acting as Learning Partners to the Public Law Project’s ongoing strategic partnership pilot project with LankellyChase Foundation. The aim of the project is to develop frontline organisations’ understanding of public law and to identify strategies to challenge unfair systems.
Lisa and Jacqueline have produced this review of the existing academic literature with input from the Public Law Project team. The review constitutes a first step in addressing some of the questions underpinning this project. It has served as a basis to inform discussions with our Advisory Group and for developing for PLP’s work during the strategic partnership.