Briefing for Peers on Part 4 of the Criminal Justice & Courts Bill , in advance of it reaching the House of Lords Committee stage. The briefing has been produced by the following organisations:

  • The Public Law Project
  • Child Poverty Action Group
  • Action Against Medical Accidents
  • Shelter
  • Bail for Immigration Detainees
  • JustRights
  • Article 19
  • Disability Law Service
  • Media Legal Defence Initiative
  • Liberty
  • The Howard League for Penal Reform
  • The AIRE Centre
  • Age UK
  • Just for Kids Law
  • Asylum Support Appeals Project
  • Inquest
  • Prisoners Advice Service
  • Fair Trials International
  • Children’s Rights Alliance for England
  • Immigration LAw Practitioners’ Association

Joint NGO Briefing on Criminal Justice & Courts Bill Part 4