Conference papers

Exceptional Funding for Inquests

Nancy Collins

This presentation provides an overview of exceptional funding for inquests.…

11 Jul 2013

Conference papers

Community Care Law – Current Developments

Simon Garlick

This paper provides updates on: the impact of Personalisation on Community Care assessment and provision; the reform of Adult Social Care law; the provision of NHS Continuing Healthcare to individuals living in the community.…

14 Jul 2011

Conference papers

Health Care and Public Law

Adam Sandell

This paper provides strategies , tips and legal developments across the breadth of health and healthcare-related public law challenges.…

12 Jul 2012

Conference papers

Access to Justice for NGOs and Charities

Nicholas Hildyard and Ben Jaffey

Judicial review for NGOs , charities and their lawyers: When should NGOs and charities bring claims? What kinds of claims are most likely to succeed? How can claims be funded? How can NGOs or charities minimise the costs risk of losing and get a Protective Costs Order? How does the Aarhus Convention help access to justice in environmental cases?

13 Oct 2011

Conference papers

Human Rights Update 2013

Tim Buley

An analysis of the important developments in human rights law , from the UK and Strasbourg courts over the last year.…

11 Apr 2013

Conference papers

The Most Important Tribunal Cases of the Year

Tim Buley

This paper reviews the most important cases of the past year , and considers their impact on case law and implications for future appellants.Review of the most important cases of the past year , consideration of their impact on case law and implications for future appellants.…

6 Apr 2013

Conference papers

Exceptional funding: The brave new world

Martha Spurrier , The Public Law Project

This paper provides a summary overview of the exceptional funding scheme under the Legal Aid , Sentencing and Punishment of Offenders Act 2012.…

4 Jun 2013

Conference papers

Public Law and the Voluntary Sector

Sarah Clarke

The paper gives an introduction to the value of public law to voluntary sector organisations.…

11 Jul 2013

Conference papers

Court of Protection: Update

Mathieu Culverhouse

This paper looks into recent developments in the Court of Protection , the Court’s welfare jurisdiction and the developing case law on deprivation of liberty.…

12 Jul 2011

Conference papers

Funding Public Law Challenges

Louise Whitfeld and Tim Buley

This presentation looks at the Legal Aid reforms and the options open to both individuals and organisations seeking to use the Administrative Court – including Protective Costs Orders (PCOs) , Conditional Fee Agreement (CFAs) , third party funding and the importance of the Bhata judgement for costs recovery in the wake of a public body conceding before hearing.…

4 Apr 2012

Conference papers

Costs and Funding in Judicial Review: A Claimant’s Guide

Tim Buley and Jamie Beagent

This paper covers a range of issues , including Legal Aid reforms , CFA funding – including the Jackson reforms , Protective Costs Orders , Companies as vehicles for litigation , third party funding , tips on recovery your costs and adverse costs risks of JR by stages.…

13 Oct 2011

Conference papers

Public Law Reform: An Update on Social Care

Frances Patterson QC

This paper proves an overview of the government’s promise to reform the adult social care law , following the Law Commission’s published proposals for reform of legislation governing care and support for older and disabled people , those with mental health problems and carers. It also analyses the government’s response to the Law Commission’s recommendations and consideration of the future reform of the law.…

12 Jul 2012