Conference papers

Challenges to the Decisions of the Upper Tribunal

Nathalie Lieven QC

This paper provides an overview of recent challenges to the Upper Tribunal decisions and the weight to be given to the decisions of specialist tribunals.…

15 Oct 2012

Conference papers

Introduction to Judicial Review

Lisa Richardson

This paper and presentation provide an overview of the basic principles of public law , and the processes and procedures involved in challenging public body decisions.…

12 Jul 2012

Conference papers

Challenging Cuts to Health and Social Care

Adam Hundt

This paper provides an overview of recent caselaw regarding cuts to health and social care.…

4 May 2011

Conference papers

The Issue of Venue for Administrative Court Claims

David Gardner

This paper explores Practice Direction 54D of the Civil Procedure Rules and the emerging jurisprudence on when it is appropriate for Administrative Court claims to be lodged in the Administrative Court Office in Wales. This paper also provides a guide for practitioners across Wales , as well as in England , on obtaining an Administrative Court hearing as locally as possible.…

4 Apr 2012

Conference papers

A Year in Judicial Review 2012

Matt Stanbury and Ben McCormack

Ben McCormack and Matt Stanbury of Garden Court North Chambers give a round up of the important cases and decisions of the last twelve months. You can follow their paper to fully enjoy Matt and Ben’s clear , informative , accessible and very entertaining talk. Case analysis includes Julian Assange v Swedish Prosecution Authority , costs in judicial review , and the excitingly titled section ‘Judges , politics , and public sector cuts’.…

12 Jul 2012

Conference papers

A Year in Judicial Review: October 2012

Eleanor Grey QC

A round-up of the important cases and decisions from the last twelve months.…

9 Oct 2012

Conference papers

Judicial Review in the Upper Tribunal (Immigration and Asylum Chamber)

Christopher Buttler and Melanie Plimmer

An update on Judicial Review in the Upper Tribunal (Immigration and Asylum Chamber) including a consideration of recent approaches to age assessments and fresh claims and proposals for all immigration judicial reviews to be transferred to the Upper Tribunal.

15 Oct 2012

Conference papers

The Development of Article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights in immigration law

Rebecca Stickler

This presentations looks at the development of Article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights in the context of immigration law.…

25 Sep 2012

Conference papers

Judicial Review of age assessment decisions in the Upper Tribunal

Alison Pickup

Transfer of judicial to the Upper Tribunal in immigration cases is currently limited by statute but , since late 2011 , all ‘fresh claim’ judicial reviews have been transferred to the UT , and many judicial reviews of social services’ age assessments are also transferred there. This paper looks at the procedure and practical implications of judicial reviews being considered in the Upper Tribunal (IAC) regarding age assessments.…

4 Jun 2013

Conference papers

Judicial Review and Rights of Access to Information

Timothy Pitt-Payne QC

This paper provides an overview of practical issues regarding access to information.…

24 Jun 2010

Conference papers

The Duty to Consult

David Wolfe QC and Gwion Lewis

This paper provides practical points claimants should look for when challenging the legality of consultation processes , and how defendants can undertake consultation lawfully so as to avoid challenge.…

13 Oct 2011

Conference papers

Judicial Review in Education: A case law update

Sarah Hannett

This talk outlines the most interesting judicial review cases in education in the last 12 months. It addresses the following topics: School transport; GCSE examinations; Eligibility for student funding in higher education; Universities; The Office of the Independent Adjudicator; Costs in judicial review claims in the Upper Tribunal.…

11 Jul 2013