Conference papers

Private law and public law , procedural issues and differences

Stephen Cragg QC

The law and practice around choosing the correct forum.…

17 Apr 2014

Conference papers

Private law claims against public authorities

Phillippa Kaufmann QC

The aim of this paper is to look at the torts of misfeasance in public office and negligence , and why they offer only limited redress against public authorities.…

28 Mar 2014

Conference papers

Financial Remedies Against the State

Gerard Clarke

Can a coherent framework for obtaining financial redress for state wrongdoing emerge from the patchwork of EU law , ECHR law and domestic public and private law?…

13 Oct 2013

Conference papers

Freedom of Information and Information Law Issues

Tim Pitt-Payne QC

This paper and the associated audio file deals with rights of access to information held by public authorities – especially under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (“FOIAâ€) and the Environmental Information Regulations 2004 (“EIRâ€);

It also covers judicial review in information privacy cases about the retention/disclosure of information by public authorities , involving Data Protection Act 1998 (“DPAâ€) and/or Article 8 of the Convention.…

20 Jan 2014

Conference papers

Costs in Public Law

Vikram Sachdeva

The following topics will be covered in this lecture:
a. Recovery of inter partes costs in judicial review.
b. Costs budgeting.
c. Protective Costs Orders.
d. Wasted Costs Orders and Non party costs orders.
Inter partes…

8 Nov 2013

Conference papers

A Year in Judicial Review 2013

Nathalie Lieven QC

There are by now so many JR cases , which cover such a broad range of topics that a talk such as this is necessarily nothing more than a personal choice , and cannot hope to be comprehensive. What is set out below is merely a few cases from 2013 which may be of general interest. There will be many others which are relevant to your particular cases and practices.…

8 Nov 2013

Conference papers


The Rt Hon The Baroness Hale of Richmond

Lady Hale’s address to our Judicial Review Trends and Forecasts conference 2013 , on October 14. The address looks at standing , interventions and costs.…

14 Oct 2013

Conference papers

Public Law Interventions and Access to Justice: Cart and AK

Tim Buley

This paper looks at public law interventions in light of Cart and AK.…

13 Oct 2011

Conference papers

Litigating the Cuts: Recent Cases and Current Themes

Louise Whitfield

Louise Whitfield pioneered the use of the equalities duties challenge funding decisions and continues to make ground breaking cases for community groups and NGOs , using the Administrative Court. This paper explores the development of this area through the analysis of recent cases.…

4 Apr 2012

Conference papers

Interim Relief in Judicial Review

Kate Stone and Ben McCormack

A practical look at interim injunctions and other pre-trial remedies in JR covering: what they are; when they are available; and how to go about getting them.…

24 Jun 2010

Conference papers

Consultation – the impact of section 149 EA 2010

Ben McCormack

This paper provides an analysis of Section 149 of the Equality Act 2010 , which imposes extensive legal duties on public authorities by requiring them to pay due regard to the need to eliminate discrimination and promote equality with regard to the various ‘protected characteristics’. It looks at the impact of Section 149 on the requirement to consult , and the way in which public authority’s own financial resources can bear upon the performances of the duty.…

2 Oct 2012

Conference papers

Judicial review: Disclosure and Evidence

Kate Stone

This paper looks at the procedural developments in human rights-based claims in judicial review , with special focus on disclosure , public interest immunity and the cope for calling evidence following landmark cases such as R (Al-Sweady and others) v Secretary of State for Defence [2009] EWHC 2387 , where the Administrative Court indicated that it should not be reluctant to order disclosure or permit live evidence and cross-examination in appropriate judicial review cases.…

11 Jul 2011