Briefings and consultations

PLP’s submission to Lord Justice Jackson’s review of fixed recoverable costs

The Public Law Project

PLP’s response addresses a number of issues , namely the lack of shared understanding of terminology , why judicial review is a ‘special case’ and PLP’s conclusions regarding ‘QOCS’.

31 Jan 2017

Briefings and consultations

Letter from PLP to The Lord Chancellor

Alison Pickup

‘We are writing further to your statement in Parliament earlier this month that you would shortly be announcing the timeline for the review of LASPO which the Government is committed to undertaking by April 2018. PLP welcomes the Government’s intention to conduct a review into the LASPO legal aid reforms which have had far reaching implications for access to justice in England and Wales.

We are taking the opportunity to write to you now with some suggestions as to the areas which the Government’s review should cover. This is a non-exhaustive list of areas of particular concern and which you will no doubt wish to consider in order to fully understand the implications for access to justice and the rule of law of the LASPO reforms , given your oath and statutory duties as Lord Chancellor.â€…

5 Jan 2017

Briefings and consultations

Immigration Law update note

Rakesh Singh

This is a note prepared by PLP’s Rakesh Singh for the Immigration Law Practitioners Association (ILPA) on changes to the Home Office policy on when JR will not suspend removal. It has been included in the ILPA mailing for November 2016 and was part of a talk prepared for the working group on removals , detention and offences on 10/11/16.…

24 Nov 2016

Briefings and consultations

Response to Immigration and Asylum Appeals: Proposals to Expedite Appeals by Immigration Detainees consultation

The Public Law Project

PLP views this consultation with considerable disquiet , as it appears to be no more than a renewed attempt by Government to introduce a new DFT , notwithstanding the rejection of its recent attempt to do so by the TPC and despite the evidential deficiency identified by the TPC not having been filled.…

24 Nov 2016

Briefings and consultations

‘Transforming our Justice System’ PLP consultation response


Response to ‘Transforming our Justice System’ consultation , 10 November 2016.

Please note that this response is a response to both parts of the consultation , covering both ‘assisted digital’ issues and the proposed changes to tribunal panel composition.…

11 Nov 2016

Briefings and consultations

Evidence of the Public Law Project to the Labour Review of Legal Aid

The Public Law Project

Evidence of the Public Law Project to the Labour Review of Legal Aid.We welcome the opportunity to provide written evidence to the Bach Commission. The evidence sets out our direct experience of the impact of the LASPO cuts , and the conclusions that we are able to draw from that experience.…

12 May 2016

Briefings and consultations

Judicial Review and the Rule of Law: An Introduction To The Criminal Justice and Courts Act 2015 , Part 4

The Bingham Centre , Justice & The Public Law Project

The result of a collaborative project with The Bingham Centre for the Rule of Law and The Public Law Project , this work aims to provide an introduction to the latest changes to judicial review practice and procedure. Setting the latest changes from Parliament in their constitutional context , we hope that our work will help inform the Act’s interpretation and its early application.…

22 Oct 2015

Briefings and consultations

Criminal Justice and Courts Bill 2014 Part 4 (Judicial Review) Briefing for Lords


This is a short briefing paper by the Public Law Project (PLP) in relation Part 4 of the Criminal Justice and Courts Bill 2014.…

5 Dec 2014

Briefings and consultations

Criminal Justice & Courts Bill Part 4: Joint NGO Briefing on Judicial Review

Coalition of NGOs incluidng PLP

Briefing for Peers on Part 4 of the Criminal Justice & Courts Bill , in advance of it reaching the House of Lords Committee stage.…

25 Jul 2014

Briefings and consultations

Further briefing for Parliamentarians on Judicial Review Reforms


This briefing is concerned with the proposed changes to judicial review in Part 4 of the Criminal Justice & Courts Bill. It follows on from PLP’s previous briefing in March 2014.…

8 Jul 2014

Briefings and consultations

Richard III Myths and Facts


This briefing concerns the Richard III case , used a justification for measures in Part 4 of the Criminal Justice & Courts Bill.…

8 Jul 2014

Briefings and consultations

The Number of Judicial Review Cases

Public Law Project

Paper to support PLP’s evidence to the Public Bill Committee on 13 March 2014 , debunking Government assertions that the number of judicial review cases are “out of controlâ€.…

30 Apr 2014