Audio files

HRA just satisfaction claims for companies – Audio

Adam Straw

This talk and accompanying paper looks at recent developments in the application of the principle of just satisfaction in a commercial context , including the Infinis case , and other examples of using human rights grounds to obtain substantive commercial results.…

9 May 2014

Audio files

Freedom of Information and Information Law Issues

Tim Pitt-Payne QC

This talk and associated paper deals with rights of access to information held by public authorities – especially under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (“FOIAâ€) and the Environmental Information Regulations 2004 (“EIRâ€); It also covers judicial review in information privacy cases about the retention/disclosure of information by public authorities , involving Data Protection Act 1998 (“DPAâ€) and/or Article 8 of the Convention.…

20 Jan 2014

Audio files

Common law remedies

Richard Hermer QC

This talk examines the range of remedies available in private law claims as well as analysing the principles and practice of the quantification of damages.…

17 Apr 2014

Audio files

Closing Address: 25 years of Judicial Review

Mr Justice Collins

25 years of judicial review: advancements , challenges and the future…

15 Oct 2012

Audio files

A Year in Judicial Review 2013

Nathalie Lieven QC

There are by now so many JR cases , which cover such a broad range of topics that a talk such as this is necessarily nothing more than a personal choice , and cannot hope to be comprehensive. What is set out below is merely a few cases from 2013 which may be of general interest. There will be many others which are relevant to your particular cases and practices.…

8 Nov 2013

Audio files

Judicial Review: A Healthcheck

Michael Fordham QC

Mike gives JR a healthcheck – looking at the body and brain of judicial review in an extended somatic metaphor. Note that the main auditorium of Herbert Smith Freehills has two very large striking blue portraits (approximately 8ft tall) of screaming faces , painted in harsh , disturbing blue. These are the pictures he refers to in the address.

25 Oct 2013

Audio files

Public Law Interventions 2011

Tim Buley

Looking at Public Law Project interventions over the previous 12 months.…

13 Oct 2011

Audio files

Judicial Review , Human Rights and the Peril of Knowing Too Much

Professor Conor Gearty

Judicial Review , Human Rights and the Peril of Knowing Too Much. Talking at PLP’s annual ‘Judicial Review Trends and Forecasts’ conference , October 2011…

13 Jul 2012

Audio files

The Tension Between the UK Supreme Court and the European Court of Human Rights

Lord Lester of Herne Hill QC

Talking on the issue of a bill of rights for the UK. Recorded at PLP’s annual ‘Judicial Review Trends and Forecasts’ conference , October 2011.…

13 Oct 2011

Audio files

The Future of Judicial Review 2012

Michael Fordham QC

This is an address to PLP’s Trends and Forecasts conference 2012. Mike considers three levels of attainment in JR innovation , Bronze , Silver and Gold , in an extended metaphor with Olympic diving competitions its starting point. How far will you climb the ladder to succeed , and how elegantly will you dive and split the water?…

15 Oct 2012

Audio files

The ‘General Power of Competence’ in the Localism Act: Devolving Democracy or the End of Accountability?

Helen Mounfield QC

The Localism Act is intended to give ‘new freedom and flexibility’ to local government , increase the power of communities and individuals , and to reform the planning and housing systems to enable decisions to be taken at a local level. Is this the unfettering of local government from central control , or the end of accountability?…

15 Oct 2012

Audio files

Public Law in International Law Claims

Richard Hermer QC

Richard Hermer QC’s talk from our ‘Trends and Forecasts’ conference 2011 , talking on International Law in Public Law Claims.…

13 Oct 2011