Audio files, Conference papers

Brexit and the constitution: Still fit for purpose or broken?

The panel at PLP’s annual conference, recorded on Tuesday 16 October 2018. Chair: Prof Jeff King, University College London Panel: Prof Richard Ekins, Associate Professor, University of Oxford and Head of Policy Exchange’s Judicial Power Project Sir Jeffrey Jowell QC (Hon), Blackstone Chambers Kate O’Regan, Director, Bonavero Institute of Human Rights Alexandra Runswick, Director, Unlock…

2 Nov 2018

Audio files

The role of the judges in a post-referendum world

Lord Neuberger

The opening address to the PLP annual Judicial Review Trends and Forecasts conference  on October 17, 2017. Lord Neuberger’s extraordinarily rich talk enters the topic via The Handmaid’s Tale, and proceedss to take in everything from executive power to judicial diversity and public legal education. Do stay for the Q and A at the end!…

2 Nov 2017

Audio files

Mick Antoniw AM, Counsel General for Wales

Mick Antoniw AM

The Counsel General talks to The Wales Bill , Brexit , Article 50 , the Miller Judgment and the Sewell Convention. This was recorded at the PLP Wales conferecne on 27 April 2017.…

1 Jun 2017

Audio files

Public law and the Investigatory Powers Bill

Ben Jaffey , Cathryn McGahey QC , Graham Smith , Richard Hermer QC

The investigatory Powers Bill (IPB) provides a legal framework to UK state surveillance , purporting to balance personal privacy with the needs of state to provide security and prevent fraud and terrorism. The panellists disucss the public law issues arising from the so called ‘snoopers charter’.…

18 Nov 2016

Audio files

The limits of judicial authority

Prof Mark Elliott

There has been a good deal of discussion of late about the notion of judicial overreach , the suggestion being that ‘judicial power’ needs to be more carefully confined than it has been in the recent past. In this talk , Mark Elliott , while acknowledging that there must be , or are , limits to judicial power , will critically examine and challenge the argument that the courts are guilty of significant overreach.

3 Nov 2016

Audio files

Public Law and Brexit

Martin Chamberlain QC

How will EU law cease to apply in the UK subsequent to ‘The Great Repeal Bill’? What are the implications for the future of law referencing EU institutions? Martin considers these and many other questions addressing to our annual conference in October 2016.…

2 Nov 2016

Audio files

The Public Law Panel: Surveillance and the Law


This is a panel debate from our 2015 annual conference on 5th October. Panelists Hugh Tomlinson (Chair) David Anderson QC , Michael Drury CMG , Eric King & Alice Ross.…

3 Dec 2015

Audio files

Parliamentary Vandalism and New Human Rights

Michael Fordham QC

In this Audio recording from our 2015 annual conference , Mike talks about the following: • Implications of repeal of the HRA and statutorily restricted rights • The strength and potential of the common law and international human rights obligations • A rebalanced Constitution through the principle of legality and the rule of law…

22 Oct 2015

Audio files

Why Henry VIII Clauses Should be Consigned to the Dustbin of History

Richard Gordon QC

Henry VIII clauses by which Acts of Parliament may be changed by delegated legislation are a constitutional anomaly. They are derived from a time when the Crown exercised absolute power.
In the modern age they have the potential to subvert the sovereignty of parliament and substitute executive tyranny.…

6 Nov 2015

Audio files

The Lord Chancellor and the Rule of Law

Dinah Rose QC

Dinah Rose QC’s keynote address to the PLP annual London conference 2014 , introduced by Jonathan Swift QC.…

31 Oct 2014

Audio files

Privacy and Data Protection claims

Guy Vassell-Adams and Kirsten Sjøvoll

This talk focuses on the broad range of remedies available in claims for breach of confidence and

misuse of private information and under Article 8 ECHR and the Data Protection Act 1998. It considers

the central building-blocks of such actions and discusses tactical considerations for public lawyers.…

25 Apr 2014

Audio files

Discrimination Law Damages for Public Lawyers – Audio

Helen Mountfield QC

This talk and accompanying paper discusses the interaction between public law equality challenges and claims for damages for discrimination under the Equality Act 2010.…

9 May 2014