
PLP is greatly saddened to hear that Lord Toulson has passed away

Lord Toulson made a particularly thoughtful and memorable closing address to the Public Law Project annual conference last year, for which we are hugely grateful. We would like to give our condolences to Lady Toulson and his family, and add to the many voices noting his sophistication and intellect in judgment, and distinctly kind and approachable personality.…

29 Jun 2017


Legal Aid Agency agrees to reconsider guidance on time allowed to make applications on CCMS

Following representations made by PLP (supported by information and evidence from other providers and the Legal Aid Practitioners’ Group) in connection with a case in which our time claimed for making a CCMS application had been reduced on assessment from 3 hours to 30 minutes, the LAA has now agreed to make further enquiries and to review the relevant provisions of the Guidance in light of its findings and the points made by PLP.…

27 Jun 2017


PLP writes to the new Lord Chancellor and Secretary of State for Work and Pensions

PLP has written to The Rt Hon David Lidington MP Lord Chancellor and Secretary of State for Justice, and to The Rt Hon David Gauke MP Secretary of State for Work and Pensions, to introduce PLP and to invite further discussions regarding, the LASPO Review and mandatory reconsiderations of benefit decisions, respectively.…

19 Jun 2017


DWP pilot failure on Work Capability Assessments ‘calls into question willingness to learn from suicides’

This is a very shortened version of an article by John Pring in the Disability News Service, 17 May 2017.…

19 May 2017


Want to take your pupillage at PLP?

We are delighted to be able to offer a 12-month employed pupillage as part of a two-year Justice First Fellowship.…

9 May 2017

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