
The exceptional funding regime is not working

The Public Law Project looks at the latest statistics on exceptional funding from the Legal Aid Agency, which show that the scheme is not fit for purpose and does not provide a safeguard for access to justice.…

15 Jun 2013


Government’s legal aid proposals unlawful, says legal expert

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5 Jun 2013


A three judge court rules that the Work Capability Assessment discriminates against claimants with a mental health disability

Today at the Royal Courts of Justice, a three judge panel of the Upper Tribunal has ruled that the Work Capability Assessment substantially disadvantages claimants with mental health problems, because the system is designed to deal with a high volume of claimants who can accurately report the way in which their disability affects their fitness to work.…

22 May 2013


Press Release – Work Capability Assessment discriminates against claimants with a mental health disability

A three judge court rules that the Work Capability Assessment discriminates against claimants with a mental health disability

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