
PLP submussion to the UN Special Rapporteur on Extreme Poverty ahead of his UK Country visit in November 2018

PLP have written to the UN Special Rapporteur on Extreme Poverty and Human Rights ahead of his UK country visit in November 2018. We have highlighted a number of areas of concern for his consideration including: Access to justice and legal aid; benefit reform and benefit sanctioning; online justice and digitisation of the courts system;…

14 Sep 2018


PLP intervenes in a judicial review of the Home Office’s removal windows policy

In July, PLP intervened in the Upper Tribunal case of R(Bahadori & Rahimi) v SSHD, a judicial review of the Home Office’s removal window policy.  The Applicants are represented by Duncan Lewis Solicitors – read their press release here. PLP has a longstanding interest in whether Home Office removal policies respect an individual’s constitutional right…

9 Aug 2018


Call for legal aid means test case studies

PLP is seeking case studies of individuals prevented from accessing legal aid due to their income or capital, but who cannot in practice afford to pay for legal services.  We will use this evidence to supplement our briefing report on the means regulations, The gap between the legal aid means regulations and financial reality, which we…

19 Jul 2018


PLP’s client wins fight for education

Leeds City Council has accepted that it has a duty to fund a full five day post-16 education programme for PLP’s client, Francesca Adam-Smith.  Francesca’s mother, Rachel Adam-Smith, said “A reduction in Francesca’s education, at a critical stage of her life, would have limited her ability to reach her potential, isolated her from society and…

16 Jul 2018


Legal Aid Restored for Unaccompanied Migrant Children

The Public Law Project welcomes the announcement last Thursday that the Government will restore in-scope legal aid for unaccompanied and separated migrant children’s immigration cases, a step which will greatly improve access to justice for this vulnerable group. The decision has come about as a result of a long-running judicial review challenge brought by the Children’s Society, with which…