You may wish to remember PLP in your will.   A bequest to charity is free of inheritance tax and therefore a very efficient way of giving, and of course you will have the satisfaction of knowing your support will go on into the future.

You can simply name The Public Law Project as a benefiting charity in your will, or leave instructions for your executors telling them to whom you would like a specific sum of money distributed. You should always seek advice from a solicitor for this.  Make sure you include PLP’s full name, current postal address, and registered charity number:

Public Law Project (UK Registered Charity Number: 1003342)

150 Caledonian Road


N1 9RD

For more help, Charities Aid Foundation is able to provide advice, and may offer a more efficient and supported way of leaving a legacy, especially if you intend to give to more than a couple of organisations. You can read their information about legacy giving here.

Telephone: CAF Legacy Services on 01732 520357

Write to: Legacy Services, Charities Aid Foundation,
25 Kings Hill Avenue,
Kings Hill,
West Malling,
Kent, ME19 4TA