PLP provides training and specialist support to lawyers and advisers.  This helps develop networks of advisers with specialist knowlegde better able to identify when  public law could provide solutions to their clients, or client groups, problems.   We work in partnership with advice services,  often helping them bring test cases, or providing a specialist legal dimension to policy work.

If you are an adviser or a solicitor looking to refer a case to us you should look at our contact page.
If you are looking to work with us on a specific issue and you are with a campaign group or NGO please look here.

Providing specilaist training to advice services will likely  form a significant part of our activity on projects or focus areas, which you will find more details of here.  If you are looking for specialist training of any kind please do get in contact with our training department and email Adrian Lukes at


Aprt from offering second tier advice and training which may be bespoke on on request, PLP always provides the following:

Training: PLP holds annual conferences in London, Cardiff and Manchester, and provides a wide range of training across public law.  You can read about these in our events section.  If you or your organisatioon wants to receive training from PLP,  if it is connected with one of our focus areas, eg. benefit sanctions, or legal aid we may be able to provide this for free.

Guides and resources:  In our Resources section you will find guides to public law,  accessing legal aid and specialist publications and papers on areas of public law.

Research: You can read about our areas of research interest here, and read all our published research here.